Mofani oa thepa ea ho etsa roll

Ho Feta 28 Lilemo Tse Phihlelo ea Tlhahiso

Moqapi o ka Tsosolosoang oa ho Rulisa Leqephe ho Etsa Rolling Machine Cold Roll Ho etsa Mochini oa tšepe oa tšepe oa tšepe Shape Purlin Cold Roll Forming Machine

Li-startups tse 127 li phahamisitse $ 2.6 limilione tse likete, ka lichelete tse kholo tse hlahisitsoeng ke khokahanyo ea setsi sa data, computing ea quantum le libeteri.
Pulungoana e ne e le khoeli ea mekhahlelo e meholo ea lichelete, 'me lik'hamphani tse 10 li fumane bonyane $100 milione ea lichelete. E 'ngoe ke qalo e fanang ka litharollo tsa khokahano ea setsi sa data mme e kenyelletsa ts'ebetso ea mempool ho ntlafatso ea morao-rao ho standard ea CXL. Khoeling ena, li-startups tse peli tsa quantum computing li kentse sehlopha sa liranta tse limilione tse 100+: e 'ngoe e sebelisa liathomo tse batang haholo ho etsa hore eseng feela komporo ea quantum e khonehe, empa hape le lioache tsa athomo le maqhubu a seea-le-moea,' me e 'ngoe e sebelisa mokhoa oa ho nka lifoto ho fihlela maemo a holimo a ka bang teng. finyelloa ka thuso ea semela bakeng sa tlhahiso ea mekhoa ea morao-rao e mamellang liphoso bakeng sa tlhahiso ea li-microcircuits.
Lichelete tse peli tse kholo ka ho fetisisa tsa lichelete khoeling ena li ile tsa ea ho baetsi ba betri ea EV, 'me lik'hamphani ka bobeli li sebelisa chelete ho atolosa tlhahiso. Libetri li sebelitse hantle ka kakaretso khoeling ena, 'me lik'hamphani tse 23 li hlahile tlalehong ena, e leng matsete a holimo ka ho fetisisa lefapheng la indasteri. Bahoebi ba shebile ka nģ'ane ho tlhahiso ea betri: Li-startups tse 'maloa li tšehelitsoe ho fana ka bophelo ba bobeli ho li-betri tsa EV tse seng li sa tšoanelehe bakeng sa koloi le ho ntlafatsa mokhoa oa ho tsosolosa.
Ho bile le khaello e hlokomelehang ea lichelete bakeng sa lik'hamphani tsa AI tsa Hardware khoeling ena. Leha ho le joalo, litheknoloji tse ling tse ngata tse khahlisang li tšehelitsoe ka lichelete, ho kenyeletsoa li-Foundries tsa MEMS, li-interposerless chip interconnecting, ho hlahloba melao ea motlakase, le litšoantšo tsa 3D tsa skrine leha e le efe. Mona ke li-startups tse 127 tse kopaneng ka kakaretso tse fetang $2.6 billion ka November 2022.
Astera Labs e phahamisitse $ 150.0M ho lithuso tsa lichelete tsa Series D tse etelletsoeng pele ke Fidelity Management & Research, e kopantsoeng ke batseteli ba bang ba teng ba kenyelletsang Atreides Management, Intel Capital, le Sutter Hill Ventures. Astera Labs e phahamisitse $ 150.0M ho lithuso tsa lichelete tsa Series D tse etelletsoeng pele ke Fidelity Management & Research, e kopantsoeng ke batseteli ba bang ba teng ba kenyelletsang Atreides Management, Intel Capital, le Sutter Hill Ventures. Astera Labs привлаи D рудлав оиллар Ha re le Mapa ea исестонв Kopanya Astera Labs e phahamisitse lidolara tse limilione tse 150 ho lichelete tsa Series D tse etelletsoeng pele ke Fidelity Management & Research e kopantsoeng ke batseteli ba bang ba seng ba ntse ba le teng ho kenyelletsa Atreides Management, Intel Capital le Sutter Hill Ventures. Astera Labs 在由Fidelity Management & Research 牵头的D 轮融资中筹集了1.5 亿美元,其他现有投资者也跟投,包括Atreides Management、Atreides ManagementIntel、Atreides ManagementIntel Capitales". Astera Labs 在由Fidelity Management & Research Astera Labs привлекла 150 миллионов долларов в рамках финансирования серии D под руководством Fidelity Management & Research Ventures. Astera Labs e phahamisitse $150 milione ho lithuso tsa Series D tse etelletsoeng pele ke Fidelity Management & Research ka ho nka karolo ho tsoa ho batseteli ba bang ba seng ba ntse ba le teng ho kenyeletsoa Atreides Management, Intel Capital le Sutter Hill Ventures.Astera Labs e fana ka tharollo ea khokahanyo ea data le memori bakeng sa litsi tsa data. E fana ka lelapa la li-retimers tse bohlale bakeng sa Compute Express Link (CXL) 2.0 le PCI Express (PCIe) 4.0/5.0 bakeng sa li-server tse phahameng tsa ts'ebetso, polokelo, maru le lisebelisoa tse ntlafalitsoeng tsa mosebetsi. E boetse e fana ka li-module tsa cable tsa Ethernet tse bohlale ho hlola mefuta e mengata, botšepehi ba matšoao, le litaba tsa tšebeliso ea li-bandwidth ho 100G / channel Ethernet li-connections bakeng sa li-switch-to-switch le li-switch-to-server. Sehlahisoa sa morao-rao sa Astera Labs ke sethala sa khokahanyo ea memori se sebelisang maemo a CXL ho ts'ehetsa katoloso ea memori, ho kopanya memori, le ho arolelana mohopolo meahong ea meralo ea lits'ebeletso tsa data tse fapaneng tsa moloko o latelang. Ntlo-kholo e Santa Clara, California, USA, e thehiloe ka 2017.
Eliyan Corporation e qetile $40 milione ea Series A round e etelletsoeng pele ke Tracker Capital, e lateloe ke Celesta Capital le batseteli ba maano ba kenyelletsang Intel Capital le Micron Ventures. Theknoloji ea Eliyan's chiplet interconnect e sebetsa ho li-substrates tsa organic mme ha e hloke litharollo tse tsoetseng pele tsa ho paka joalo ka li-adapter tsa silicon. Theknoloji ea eona ea NuLink, e leng superset ea Bunch of Wire (BoW) le Universal Chiplet Interconnect Express (UCIe), ke e tobileng (D2D) PHY e kopanyang mesebetsi e fapaneng ka har'a sephutheloana se le seng ho mofani ofe kapa ofe. Elian o re litheknoloji tsa morao-rao tsa 5nm ribone li ekelitse bandwidth habeli ha li ntse li ja halofo ea matla a mekhoa ea kajeno ea likhokahano. Khampani e boetse e hlahisitse theknoloji ea ho kenya ts'ebetsong 2.5 / 3D e ka kopanyang le ho bapisa li-chiplets tse nang le li-interfaces tse fapaneng pakeng tsa li-chips ka mekhoa e fapaneng e kang DRAM le SOI. Mookameli oa Eliyan le mothehi-'moho le eena Ramin Farjadrad. "Mokhoa oa rona oa ts'ehetsa ebile o tsamaellana le phetoho e pharalletseng ea indasteri ho li-protocol tse ntlafalitsoeng tsa chip, ho kenyeletsoa maemo a UCIe, hammoho le protocol ea High-Bandwidth Memory (HBM)." . E thehiloe Santa Clara, California, USA, e thehiloe ka 2021.
Cornelis Networks e phahamisitse liranta tse limilione tse 29 ka lichelete tsa Series B tse etelletsoeng pele ke IAG Capital Partners ka ho kenya letsoho ho tsoa ho Adit Ventures, Foresight Group, Intel Capital, KittyHawk Ventures, Ridgeline Partners le SQN Venture Partners. Cornelis Networks e etsa likhokahano tse phahameng tsa ts'ebetso ho potlakisa meroalo ea mesebetsi ea komporo ea tekheniki ho HPC, AI le ML. Accelerated Host Fabric Adapter e etselitsoe ho fana ka semantic e bapisang lipakeng tsa likopo tsa 'nete tsa HPC le masela a scalable a nang le phallo e mpe ho 100 Gb/s increments, 250 MPI melaetsa ka motsotsoana, le sub-microsecond MPI latency. likarete, li-edge switch, li-switches tsa boemo ba motsamaisi, liheke le likhoele. Lichelete li tla sebelisoa ho ntlafatsa bokhoni ba k'hamphani ba ho ea 'marakeng le ho potlakisa ho kengoa tšebetsong ha 'mapa oa eona oa litsela. E thehiloe ka 2020 mme ntlo-kholo ea hae e Wayne, Pennsylvania, USA.
Beizhong Netcom e phahamisitse chelete ea Pre-A Series ho tsoa ho Rising Investments. Qalo e nts'etsapele Litsi tsa Ts'ebetso ea Lintlha (DPUs) bakeng sa li-SmartNIC le li-chips tsa cybersecurity tse lokiselitsoeng. Ntlo-kholo e Chengdu, China, e thehiloe ka 2020.
LinJoWing e amohetse matsete a mangeloi ho tsoa ho SDIC, Huaxia Capital le Changjiang Securities. LinJoWing e hlahisa li-chips bakeng sa li-GPU le likarete tsa video. Lihlahisoa tsa eona tsa hajoale li shebane le likhomphutha tsa desktop, lits'ebetso tse kentsoeng tsa litšoantšo, likhomphutha tsa taolo ea indasteri le lits'ebetso tsa sesole. E thehiloe Wuhan, China, e thehiloe ka 2021.
X-Epic e phahamisitse li-yuan tse limilione tse makholo (li-yuan tse limilione tse 100 kapa hoo e ka bang $13.9 milione) ka lichelete tsa Series B tse etelletsoeng pele ke CICC Capital, China Electronics Corporation le Wuhan Optics Valley United Group, 'me Mirae Asset le Henglu Assets li latela mohlala. X-Epic e fana ka lisebelisoa tse ngata tsa netefatso, ho kenyelletsa le FPGA prototyping system, simulator ea dijithale, sistimi e tsoetseng pele ea netefatso ea puo e thehiloeng ho Portable Stimulus Standard (PSS) bakeng sa tlhahiso ea linyeoe tsa liteko, netefatso ea semmuso e thehiloeng mantsoeng, papiso. , le tharollo ea ho lokisa liphoso. O boetse o fana ka likeletso tsa netefatso. Lichelete li tla sebelisoa ho atolosa mefuta e mengata ea lihlahisoa le khiro. Ntlo-kholo e Nanjing, China e thehiloe ka 2020.
Aniah o bokelletse li-euro tse limilione tse 6 (liranta tse limilione tse 6.2) ho lithuso tsa lichelete tsa Series A tse etelletsoeng pele ke Supernova Invest, ka liphallelo tse tsoang ho BNP Invest, Crédit Agricole Sud Rhône-Alpes le Bpifrance. Aniah o hlahisa software ea ho netefatsa melao ea motlakase e felletseng. O ikemiselitse ho fa lienjiniere tsa meralo ea analog le dijithale melemo ea netefatso ea boemo ba transistor mme o bolela hore lisebelisoa tsa hae li ka bona liphoso ka botlalo ha a ntse a potlakisa tlhahlobo ea chip e felletseng. "Aniah o hlahisitse katleho ea 'nete ea thekenoloji ho felisa liphoso tsa moralo oa motlakase indastering ea semiconductor. Mokhoa o bonolo, oa ho ruta le o sa tsitsang ho baenjiniere o tla ipiletsa ho bapalami ba ka sehloohong ba ketane ea tlhahiso ea elektronike kaha e tiisa hore lisebelisoa tsa elektronike tsa nako e tlang li kena 'marakeng ka nako e loketseng. nako ea ho qala sehlahisoa,” ho boletse Richard Moustjes, molula-setulo oa boto ea batsamaisi ea Aniah. Tšhelete ye e tla šomišwa katološong ya boditšhabatšhaba, kudukudu kua Asia, US, le Isiraele, gammogo le tlhabollo ye e ka bago gona ya dimmojule tše difsa tša tshekatsheko ya go botega ga chip, go lekola diporojeke tša go hlama, le moakanyetšo wa thušo ya khomphutha wa AI. E thehiloe ka selemo sa 2019 mme ntlo-kholo ea eona e Grenoble, Fora.
Atomica Corp e phahamisitse $ 30 milione ka lichelete tsa Series C ho tloha Cerium Technology Ventures, Novo Tellus Capital Partners le St. cloud capital. Atomica ke setsi sa motheo sa MEMS se nang le sethala se ikhethileng sa lifoto, lisensara, li-biochips, li-relay le li-switches, le MEMS e khethehileng. Khampani e sebetsa ka mefuta e mengata ea mekhoa le lisebelisoa tse kenyeletsang litšepe tsa bohlokoa, li-polymers le li-substrates tse kang silicon, SOI, khalase, silika e kopantsoeng, quartz, borosilicates, piezoceramics le III-Vs. Hajoale e sebetsa khamphaseng ea tlhahiso ea maoto a lisekoere tse 130,000. Lichelete tsena li tla sebelisoa ho holisa bokhoni ba ho theha le ho ntšetsa pele theknoloji ea MEMS. Pele e ne e tsejoa e le Innovative Micro Technology (IMT), e thehiloe ka 2000 e le tlhophiso bocha ea Applied Magnetics Corporation. Ho fumana ka 2018 ho ile ha fella ka mong'a e mocha. E fumaneha Santa Barbara, California, USA.
Elephantech e hlahisitse 2,150.0M yen (~$14.4M) ka lichelete ho tsoa ho ANRI Investment, Shin-Etsu Chemical, Nose Investment, Shizuoka Capital, Eiwa Corporation, Nanobank, Mitsubishi Gas Chemical, Kebishi Sake Brewing, D&I Investment, Seiko Epson, Sumimoto, East Ventures , le Beyond Next Ventures. Elephantech e hlahisitse 2,150.0M yen (~$14.4M) ka lichelete ho tsoa ho ANRI Investment, Shin-Etsu Chemical, Nose Investment, Shizuoka Capital, Eiwa Corporation, Nanobank, Mitsubishi Gas Chemical, Kebishi Sake Brewing, D&I Investment, Seiko Epson, Sumimoto, East Ventures , le Beyond Next Ventures. Elephantech привлекла 2 150,0 млн иен (~ 14,4 млн долларов США) от ANRI Investment, Shin-Etsu Chemical, Nose Investment, Shizuoka Capital, Eiwa Corporation, Nanobank, Mitsubishi Gas Chemical, Kebishi Sake Brewing, D&I & Seiko , Sumimotos, East Venture. Elephantech e phahamisitse ¥2,150.0 milione (~$14.4 milione) ho tsoa ho ANRI Investment, Shin-Etsu Chemical, Nose Investment, Shizuoka Capital, Eiwa Corporation, Nanobank, Mitsubishi Gas Chemical, Kebishi Sake Brewing, D&I Investment, Seiko Epson , Sumimotos, East Venture.le Beyond Next Ventures. Elephantech 从ANRI Investment、Shin-Etsu Chemical、Nose Investment、Shizuoka Capital、Eiwa Corporation、Nanobank、Mitsubishi Gas Chemical、Kebishi Sake Brewing、D&I Investment、Seiko Epson、Sumimoto、East Ventures 筹集了21.5 亿日元(4约40 .美元)的资金 le Beyond Next Ventures. Elephantech 从ANRI Investment、Shin-Etsu Chemical、Nose Investment、Shizuoka Capital、Eiwa Corporation、Nanobank、Mitsubishi Gas Chemical、Kebishi Sake Brewing、D&I Investment、Seiko Epson、Sumimoto、East Ventures raised 21.5 亿日元(约合US1440). $) lichelete le Beyond Next Ventures.Elephantech e phahamisitse ¥2.15 bilione (hoo e ka bang $14.4 milione) ho tsoa ho Beyond Next Ventures.Elephantech e fana ka theknoloji ea tlhahiso ea liboto tsa potoloho tse hatisitsoeng tse thehiloeng khatisong ea inkjet, eo e reng e na le botsoalle ba tikoloho, e fokotsa mocheso oa CO2 ka 77% le tšebeliso ea metsi ka 95% ha e bapisoa le mekhoa e tloaelehileng ea tlhahiso. Ho qala ho bolela hore theknoloji ea eona e ka sebelisoa hoo e batlang e le mofuta ofe kapa ofe oa boto ea potoloho e hatisitsoeng. Hajoale, sepheo se seholo ke ho li-substrates tse feto-fetohang tse nang le lehlakore le le leng, 'me nakong e tlang ho reriloe ho lokolla liboto tsa potoloho tse hatisitsoeng tse ngata le tse thata. E boetse e reretse ho holisa menyetla ea ho hatisa ho li-biomass substrates le ho sebelisa thepa e tsosolositsoeng. Tšhelete ye e tla šomišwa katološong le katološong ya lefase ka bophara ya tirišo ya theknolotši ye. E thehiloe ka 2014 le ntlo-kholo e Tokyo, Japane.
CanSemi e phahamisitse li-yuan tse limilione tse makholo (li-yuan tse limilione tse 100, kapa hoo e ka bang $13.9 milione) letotong la B ka matsete a tsoang Guangzhou Kechuang Industry Investment Fund, Guangdong Semiconductor le Integrated Circuit Industry Investment Fund le CCB Capital. CanSemi ke setsi sa li-analog tsa 12 ″ se ikhethileng bohareng ho isa boemong bo phahameng ba liindasteri le boemo ba likoloi tsa analog ICs. Mekhahlelo e 'meli ea pele ea morero oa hae, e amanang le ho thehoa ha thekenoloji ea 180-90 nm process, ebe joale theknoloji ea 90-55 nm, e se e phethiloe. Chelete e tla sebelisoa bakeng sa karolo ea boraro, ho atolosa li-node tse fumanehang ho 55-40nm. Ho lebelletsoe hore kamora ho phethoa ha mokhahlelo oa boraro, ho tla hlahisoa lipoleiti tse ka bang 80,000 tsa 12-inch ka khoeli. Khampani e rera ho qetella e amohela ts'ebetso ea 22nm. E thehiloe ka 2017 mme ntlo-kholo ea eona e Guangzhou, China.
Getech Technology e phahamisitse li-yuan tse limilione tse makholo (li-yuan tse limilione tse 100 kapa chelete e ka bang $13.9 milione) molemong oa Series B ho tsoa ho Hengxu Capital le Guangdong Financial Fund ea SAIC. Getech e hlahisa software e kopanetsweng ya tlhahiso ya komporo (CIM) bakeng sa tlhahiso ya semiconductor le diindaseteri tse ding, ho kenyeletswa eneji e ntjha, disebediswa tsa elektroniki tsa bareki le tsa makoloi. Lihlahisoa li koahela tlhahiso ea lipoleiti, ho paka le ho etsa liteko, le ho kopanya lihlahisoa tse felileng, 'me li tšehetsa tsamaiso ea lihlahisoa tse ngata le tsa lifeme tse ngata. Lichelete li tla sebelisoa ho eketsa matsete ho lihlahisoa tsa semiconductor, ka ho khetheha ho tsepamisitsoe bohlale ba maiketsetso le data e kholo bakeng sa lisebelisoa tsa software le algorithmic. TCL e thehiloe ka 2018 mme ntlo-kholo ea eona e Guangzhou, China.
NeuCloud e hlahisitse li-yuan tse limilione tse makholo (li-yuan tse limilione tse 100 kapa hoo e ka bang US$13.9 milione) ka lichelete tsa Series C+ ho tsoa ho Beijing Integrated Circuit Equipment Industry Fund, CRRC Capital le China Internet Investment Fund. NeuCloud e fana ka sethala sa ho bokella, ho laola le ho sekaseka lintlha tsa indasteri. Khamphani e re bakeng sa tlhahiso ea semiconductor, sethala sa eona se ka sebelisoa ho lekanya ts'ebetso ea mela ea tlhahiso ea IC le ho tseba litaba tsa tlhahiso. E ka boela ea sebelisoa ke barekisi ba lisebelisoa tsa semiconductor ho lekola ts'ebetso ea lisebelisoa nakong ea ts'ebetso le ho fana ka bokhoni ba tlhokomelo ea sehlahisoa. Sethala sena se boetse se sebelisoa ho tse ling tsa tlhahiso, matla, petrochemical, lipalangoang tsa literene le liindasteri tse ling. E thehiloe ka 2013, ntlo-kholo e Beijing, China.
SRI Intellectual Technology (SRII) e amohetse limilione tse makholo tsa RMB (RMB 100 milione kapa hoo e ka bang US$13.9 milione) ka lichelete tsa Series A ho tsoa Oceanpine Capital, Stony Creek Capital, joalo-joalo. Khampani e na le Beneq, khamphani ea Finland e etsang thepa ea athomo. layer deposition (ALD), le setsi sa eona sa Lumineq, se hlahisang lipontšo tse hlakileng bakeng sa lisebelisoa tsa optical le likoloi. Lichelete li tla sebelisoa bakeng sa R&D le ntlafatso ea line ea tlhahiso. Lichelete li tla sebelisoa bakeng sa R&D le ntlafatso ea line ea tlhahiso. Chelete e tla sebelisoa bakeng sa R&D le ntlafatso ea mohala oa tlhahiso.Lichelete li tla sebelisoa bakeng sa lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele le ntlafatso ea mohala oa tlhahiso. SRII e fumane Beneq ka 2018. E thehiloe Qingdao, Chaena, e thehiloeng e le khoebo e kopanetsoeng ka 2018.
Jet Plasma Technology e phahamisitse li-yuan tse limilione tse 100 (hoo e ka bang lidolara tse limilione tse 13.9) ka lichelete tsa Series D ho tsoa ho PH Investment, Shanghai Lingang Innovation Center, Jucheng Capital, Xu Nuo Capital le tse ling. Khamphani e etsa lisebelisoa tsa ho hloekisa le ho phekola holim'a plasma bakeng sa ho paka li-chips tsa semiconductor, li-semiconductors tse kopaneng, li-LED, lisebelisoa tsa elektroniki tsa bareki, lisebelisoa tsa elektroniki tsa bongaka le tlhahiso ea lisebelisoa tse sebetsang. E thehiloe Shanghai, China, e thehiloe ka 2015.
Enovate3D e hlahisitse li-yuan tse ka bang limilione tse 100 (hoo e ka bang $ 13.9 milione) ho lithuso tsa lichelete tsa Series A tse etelletsoeng pele ke Hikvision, tse kopantsoeng ke Sequoia Capital China le Walden International. Lisebelisoa tsa khatiso tsa 3D tsa elektroniki tse entsoeng ke Enovate3D li khona ho theha likarolo tse nyane joalo ka li-micron tse 1 ho isa ho tse 10 bakeng sa tlhahiso ea tlatsetso ea lisebelisoa tsa tšepe tse sebetsang hantle haholo, lipolima, lisebelisoa tsa dielectric tse thehiloeng ka ceramic le lisebelisoa tsa elektroniki tse tenyetsehang. E boetse e fana ka litšebeletso tsa khatiso tsa 3D. Lichelete li tla sebelisoa bakeng sa R&D, ho hira, le kaho ea setsi sa tlhahiso. Lichelete li tla sebelisoa bakeng sa R&D, ho hira, le kaho ea setsi sa tlhahiso.Chelete e tla sebelisoa bakeng sa lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele, ho hira le ho aha setsi sa tlhahiso.Chelete e tla sebelisoa bakeng sa lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele, ho hira le ho aha setsi sa tlhahiso. E thehiloe ka 2020 mme ntlo-kholo ea hae e Hangzhou, China.
Zeta Tech e phahamisitse hoo e ka bang li-yuan tse limilione tse 100 (hoo e ka bang $ 13.9 milione) ka har'a Series A round e etelletsoeng ke Hefei Industrial Investment Group le Glory Ventures, ka ho kenya letsoho ho tsoa ho South China venture capital. Zeta Tech e fana ka software ea komporo e kopantsoeng ea tlhahiso ea khomphutha (CIM) bakeng sa kopanyo ea data, tlhahlobo e kholo ea data, taolo ea lihlahisoa, le ts'ebeliso ea lisebelisoa tlhahisong ea semiconductor le ho paka. E boetse e fana ka lits'ebeletso tsa boeletsi bakeng sa moralo o bohlale oa tlhahiso. Ho phaella ho li-semiconductors, lihlahisoa tsa eona li boetse li loketse ho hlahisa liphanele tsa pontšo, photovoltaic le libeteri tsa lithium. Lichelete li tla sebelisoa bakeng sa R&D, ho hira, le phetisetso ea lihlahisoa, ho kenyelletsa ho eketsa ts'ebetso ea tlhahiso, taolo ea boleng, taolo ea thepa ea lisebelisoa, boiketsetso ba lisebelisoa, le lits'ebetso tse ling, hammoho le ho hokahana ho kopaneng le data e kholo le lits'ebetso tsa AI. Lichelete li tla sebelisoa bakeng sa R&D, ho hira, le phetisetso ea lihlahisoa, ho kenyelletsa ho eketsa ts'ebetso ea tlhahiso, taolo ea boleng, taolo ea thepa ea lisebelisoa, boiketsetso ba lisebelisoa, le lits'ebetso tse ling, hammoho le ho hokahana ho kopaneng le data e kholo le lits'ebetso tsa AI.Lichelete li tla sebelisoa bakeng sa lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele, ho thaotha, le ho pheta-pheta lihlahisoa, ho kenyelletsa ho eketsa tlhahiso, tsamaiso ea boleng, tsamaiso ea thepa, lisebelisoa tsa lisebelisoa, le mekhoa e meng, le ho matlafatsa ho kopanya le data e kholo le lisebelisoa tsa bohlale ba maiketsetso.Chelete e tla sebelisoa bakeng sa lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele, ho thaotha, le ho pheta-pheta lihlahisoa, ho kenyelletsa le ho eketsa lits'ebetso tse joalo ka taolo ea tlhahiso, taolo ea boleng, taolo ea thepa ea lisebelisoa, boiketsetso ba lisebelisoa, le ho hokahana ho eketsehileng le data e kholo le lits'ebetso tsa bohlale ba maiketsetso. E thehiloe Shanghai, China, e thehiloe ka 2017.
Goodled Precision Optoelectronics, eo hape e tsejoang e le Goodun, e phahamisitse li-yuan tse limilione tse 50 (hoo e ka bang $ 7 milione) molemong oa lichelete tsa letoto la A+. Goodun e etsa li-chips tsa UVA, UVB, UVC le NIR tsa LED tse thehiloeng ho li-junctions tsa III-V tsa semiconductor. Khamphani e fana ka lihlahisoa tsena ka lisebelisoa tsa pheko tsa UV tse sebelisoang ho lisebelisoa tsa elektroniki tsa bareki le tlhahiso ea betri, har'a tse ling. E thehiloe ka 2005, ntlo-kholo ea hae e Changzhou, China.
Amplio e phahamisitse lidolara tse limilione tse 6 tsa lichelete tsa peo tse etelletsoeng pele ke Construct Capital ka ho kenya letsoho ho tsoa ho Slow Ventures, High Alpha Capital, Flexport Ventures, Alpaca Venture Capital le batseteli ka bomong. Ho qala ho fana ka sethala sa tsamaiso ea phepelo bakeng sa likarolo tsa elektronike. Khamphani e boletse hore e ka latela likarolo tse kotsing e kholo ea khaello le ho hokahanya bareki le mehloli e meng ea phepelo. E boetse e fana ka theko ea sehlopha ho fokotsa litšenyehelo tsa BOM. Ntlo-kholo e Atlanta, Georgia, USA, e thehiloe ka 2021.
SparkNano e phahamisitse li-euro tse limilione tse 5.5 (liranta tse limilione tse 5.4) ka lichelete tse etelletsoeng pele ke ALIAD Air Liquide ka ho nka karolo ho tsoa ho Somerset Capital Partners, Invest-NL le batseteli ba seng ba ntse ba le teng Innovation Industries, Brabant Development Company le TNO. SparkNano e nts'etsapele theknoloji ea Spatial ALD bakeng sa ho etsa li-electrolyzer bakeng sa tlhahiso ea haedrojene e tala, lisele tsa mafura, libeteri, lisele tsa letsatsi le lipontšo. Sebakeng sa ho sebelisa kamore ea vacuum, qalo e hlalosa theknoloji ea eona e le hlooho ea khatiso ea ALD e phaphametseng ka holim'a substrate mme e fana ka li-precursor tsa gaseous tse arohaneng ho tse ling ke thebe ea khase e sa sebetseng. E ka sebelisoa ho beha mefuta e mengata ea lifilimi tse tšesaane tse tsamaellanang hantle le ho fokotsa ts'ebeliso ea lintho tsa bohlokoa joalo ka iridium le platinum. SparkNano e fana ka lihlahisoa ho tloha ho lisebelisoa tse feto-fetohang tsa R&D ho isa ho lisebelisoa tsa tlhahiso ea bongata bo boholo le sebaka se seholo bakeng sa tlhahiso ea leqephe-to-sheet le roll-to-roll. SparkNano e fana ka lihlahisoa ho tloha ho lisebelisoa tse feto-fetohang tsa R&D ho isa ho lisebelisoa tsa tlhahiso ea bongata bo boholo le sebaka se seholo bakeng sa tlhahiso ea leqephe-to-sheet le roll-to-roll. SparkNano e fana ka lihlahisoa ho tloha ho lisebelisoa tse tenyetsehang tsa R&D ho isa bophahamong bo phahameng le lisebelisoa tsa tlhahiso ea boima bo phahameng bakeng sa tlhahiso ea maqephe le roll. Linyehelo tsa SparkNano li tloha ho lisebelisoa tse tenyetsehang tsa R&D ho isa ho lisebelisoa tsa tlhahiso ea boleng bo holimo le tse kholo bakeng sa tlhahiso ea board-to-board le roll-to-roll.Lichelete li tla sebelisoa ho potlakisa katoloso ea khoebo. Ke setsi sa setsi sa TNO Holst Center se thehiloeng ka 2018 'me se na le ntlo-khōlō Eindhoven, Netherlands.
Litilit e amohetse matsete a li-euro tse 3.5 (hoo e ka bang $ 3.5 milione) ho tsoa Letlole la Matsete la Taiwania Capital's Central le Eastern Europe. Li-laser tsa Litilit's ultrashort pulsed femtosecond lasers li ka sebelisoa ho sebetsana le lisebelisoa tse ngata tse fapaneng tsa elektroniki 'me li loketse li-PCB tse thata, li-PCB tse tenyetsehang le li-PCB tse sa fetoheng. Li-lasers tsa eona li boetse li sebelisoa ts'ebetsong ea ceramic, microscopy ea multiphoton le lits'ebetso tsa bongaka. E thehiloe ka 2015 'me e na le ntlo-kholo ea Vilnius, Lithuania.
Accuracy Int Tech, e tsejoang hape e le Akeris Intelligent Equipment, e phahamisitse mashome a limilione tsa li-yuan (liranta tse limilione tse 1.4) ho tsoa ho Hefei Angel Fund le Kewell Technology. Akeris e etsa lisebelisoa tsa ho qhetsola le ho seha liphaphatha ho tloha ho 6 ″ ho isa ho 12 ″. E thehiloe Hefei, China, e thehiloe ka 2019.
Lebo Semi e amohetse li-yuan tse limilione tse mashome (li-yuan tse limilione tse 10 kapa hoo e ka bang US$1.4 milione) ka lichelete tsa Series A ho tsoa ho Shenzhen Venture Capital le Zhongmao Capital. Loeb Semiconductor e etsa lisebelisoa tsa tlhahiso ea li-semiconductors. Lihlahisoa tsa eona li kenyelletsa li-automatic le semi-automatic gluing, ho nts'etsapele, ho hlobolisa le lisebelisoa tsa ho hloekisa, hammoho le mechini ea solder ea formic acid reflow. Lisebelisoa tsa mantlha ke li-semiconductors tse kopaneng, li-LED le MEMS. E thehiloe ka 2013 mme ntlo-kholo ea eona e Jiangsu, China.
Younme o fumane li-yuan tse limilione tse mashome (li-yuan tse limilione tse 10 kapa hoo e ka bang US$1.4 milione) molemong oa lichelete tsa Pre-A ho tsoa ho Ningbo Huatong Venture Capital le Suzhou Rongyue Investment. Ho qala ho etsa lisebelisoa tse nang le taolo e qobelloang, tse sebelisetsoang tlhahiso ea lisebelisoa tsa elektronike tsa bareki. Khampani e rera ho atolosa tlhahiso ea libeteri tsa lithium le lisele tsa photovoltaic. E thehiloe Suzhou, China, e thehiloe ka 2018.
GDH e bokelletse li-yuan tse limilione tse 165 (liranta tse limilione tse 23.5) ho tsoa ho Guangzhou Industrial Investment Group le lik'hamphani tse ling. Ho qala ho fana ka sephutheloana sa "wafer-level" bakeng sa li-chip sensor tsa setšoantšo, li-chips tsa ho lemoha menoana, MEMS le lisebelisoa tsa RF. Lichelete li tla sebelisoa ho aha mohala oa ho paka oa 8-inch/12-inch through-silicon (TSV) bakeng sa li-sensor tsa litšoantšo tsa CMOS (CIS) le li-filters. E thehiloe ka 2022 mme ntlo-kholo ea eona e Guangzhou, China.
CD Micro Technology, e tsejoang hape e le Chengdu Maike, e phahamisitse li-yuan tse limilione tse mashome (li-yuan tse limilione tse 10 kapa lidolara tse limilione tse 1.4) ka lichelete tsa Series A ho tsoa ho Sichuan Development, Deer Laser le Yizhan Capital. Khampani e hlahisa li-substrates ka khalase ka (TGV), lisebelisoa tse kenyelelitsoeng (IPD) le khalase ea microstructured ea 3D. E boetse e fana ka lits'ebeletso tsa theknoloji ea TGV mme e nts'etsapele lisebelisoa tsa ts'ebetso ea TGV bakeng sa ho paka ka 3D, lisebelisoa tse phahameng tsa Q microwave/THz, optical/RF MEMS, le li-microfluidic chips. Lichelete li tla sebelisoa bakeng sa R&D ea lits'ebetso tsa TGV le ho sebetsa molemong oa tlhahiso ea bongata. Lichelete li tla sebelisoa bakeng sa R&D ea lits'ebetso tsa TGV le ho sebetsa molemong oa tlhahiso ea bongata.Lichelete li tla sebelisoa bakeng sa lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele ea likopo tsa TGV le mosebetsi oa tlhahiso ea bongata.Chelete e tla sebelisoa bakeng sa lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele le tlhahiso e kholo ea lits'ebetso tsa TGV. Ntlo-kholo e Chengdu, China, e thehiloe ka 2017.
TCPack e tsetetse ho Xingbang Advanced Manufacturing Fund. Khampani e etsa liphutheloana tsa tšepe, liphutheloana tsa ceramic, metsoako ea mocheso le liphutheloana tse nyenyane (SOP) bakeng sa lisebelisoa tsa puisano tsa optical, li-lasers tsa indasteri, li-sensor, li-module tsa RF le lisebelisoa tsa elektronike tsa matla. E thehiloe ka 2017 Hefei, China.
Dongfang Jingyuan Electron Limited (DJEL) e hlahisitse chelete e ka bang CNY 1,000.0M (~$139.6M) ka lichelete tsa poraefete tse tsoang Xingcheng Capital, E-town International Investment & Development, Xin Ding Capital, Green Pine Capital Partners, CGII Private Fund, Silk Road Huachuang, Red Horse Capital, An Xin Capital, CoStone Capital, Five Bulls Fund, China Capital Management, Haier Capital, CCB International, Nuo Capital, le tse ling. Dongfang Jingyuan Electron Limited (DJEL) привлекла почти 1000,0 млн юаней (~ 139,6 млн долларов США) в виде прямых инвестиций от Xingcheng Capital Development, E-Picture фонда CGII, Silk Road Huachuang, Red Horse Capital, An Xin Capital, CoStone Capital, Five Bulls Fund, China Capital Management, Haier Capital, CCB International, Nuo Capital le другие.Dongfang Jingyuan Electronics Co., Ltd. (DJEL) от Xingcheng Capital, Yizhuang International Investment Development, Xinding Capital, Qingsong Capital, CGII Private Equity Fund, Silk Road Huachuang, Red Horse Capital, Anxin Capital, Cornerstone Capital, Wuniu Fund, Huaxia Capital , Haier Capital, CCB International, NUO Capital le др. DJEL предлагает решения для управления доходностью, программное обеспечение для коррекции оптической близодностью, программное обеспечение для коррекции оптической близодностью (OPC), обля коррекции роля, а также 8-дюймовые и 12-дюймовые сканирующие электронные микроскопы критических размеров (CD-SEM). Lichelete li tla sebelisoa bakeng sa R&D ea sehlahisoa se secha le kaho ea litsi tsa tlhahiso.Средства будут использованы для исследований и разработок новых продуктов и строительства производственных моностей.Средства будут направлены на разработку новых продуктов и строительство производственных мощностей. Основана в 2014 году, штаб-квартира находится в Пекине, Китай.
Mega Phase Technology e amohetse li-yuan tse ka bang limilione tse 100 (hoo e ka bang US$13.9 milione) ho lithuso tsa lichelete tsa Series B ho tsoa ho Richen Capital. Ho qala ho etsa lik'hamera tsa k'homphieutha tsa 3D tse hlophisitsoeng bakeng sa tlhahlobo ea pono ea li-chips, theknoloji ea holim'a metsi (SMT), lisebelisoa tsa elektronike tsa bareki, libeteri tsa lithium le lisebelisoa tse ling tse nepahetseng tsa tlhahiso. Lichelete li tla sebelisoa bakeng sa R&D le katoloso ea matla a tlhahiso. Lichelete li tla sebelisoa bakeng sa R&D le katoloso ea matla a tlhahiso.Lichelete li tla sebelisoa bakeng sa lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele le katoloso ea bokhoni ba tlhahiso.Chelete e tla sebelisoa bakeng sa lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele le katoloso ea bokhoni. E thehiloe ka 2014, ntlo-kholo ea hae e Shanghai, China.
Theknoloji ea LightE e phahamisitse li-yuan tse limilione tse mashome (li-yuan tse limilione tse 10 kapa hoo e ka bang US $ 1.4 milione) ka lichelete tsa Series A ho tsoa ho Broadstream Capital. LightE Technology e etsa li-sensor tsa spectral confocal displacement bakeng sa tlhahlobo ea 3D optical ea li-semiconductors, liboto tsa potoloho tse hatisitsoeng, lisebelisoa tsa elektronike tsa bareki, lisele tsa photovoltaic, lilense le lisebelisoa tse ling. Qalo e re theknoloji e fana ka ho nepahala ho holimo, tšebeliso e pharaletseng ea lisebelisoa, le botsitso bo boholo ho feta li-lasers tse tloaelehileng. Khamphani hajoale e ntse e hlahisa li-sensor tsa confocal le li-prototypes tsa lihlahisoa tsa linear confocal. E boetse e reriloe ho nts'etsapele li-sensor tsa hyperspectral + li-sensor intelligence tsa maiketsetso le li-fiber optic sensors. Lichelete li tla sebelisoa bakeng sa tlhahiso e kholo ea li-linear confocal sensors le R&D. Lichelete li tla sebelisoa bakeng sa tlhahiso e kholo ea li-linear confocal sensors le R&D. Chelete e tla sebelisoa bakeng sa tlhahiso ea serial ea li-linear confocal sensors le R&D. Lichelete li tla sebelisoa bakeng sa tlhahiso ea bongata le R&D ea linear confocal sensor.Ntlo-khōlō e Shenzhen, Chaena, e thehiloe ka 2014.
Pi Semiconductor e amohetse li-yuan tse limilione tse mashome (li-yuan tse limilione tse 10 ke hoo e ka bang $ 1.4 milione) ka lichelete tsa Series A+ ho tsoa ho Addor Capital. Ho qala ho hlahisa li-substrates tsa karete ea probe le liboto tsa ho kenya bakeng sa tlhahlobo ea li-wafer le tlhahlobo ea ho qetela. Khamphani e rera ho fallela ho li-substrates tsa multilayer organic (MLO) le li-ceramic substrates. E thehiloe Nantong, China, e thehiloe ka 2021.
Weichong Semiconductor e phahamisitse li-yuan tse limilione tse mashome (li-yuan tse limilione tse 10 kapa $1.4 milione) molemong oa lichelete tsa Pre-A+ le Pre-A++, ho kenyelletsa le matsete a tsoang Huaxia Fuqiang, Sunic Capital le Yunqi Capital. Ho qala ho hlahisa lisebelisoa bakeng sa tlhahlobo e sa senyeheng ea li-wafers tsa optical ka nako ea nnete. Lichelete li tla sebelisoa bakeng sa R&D, tlhahiso e kholo ea lihlahisoa tsa moloko oa pele, le ho hira. Lichelete li tla sebelisoa bakeng sa R&D, tlhahiso e kholo ea lihlahisoa tsa moloko oa pele, le ho hira.Lichelete li tla sebelisoa bakeng sa lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele, tlhahiso e ngata ea lihlahisoa tsa moloko oa pele, le ho hira basebetsi.Chelete e tla sebelisoa bakeng sa lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele, tlhahiso ea bongata le sehlopha sa lihlahisoa tsa moloko oa pele. E thehiloe Beijing, China, e thehiloe ka 2021.
GT AI, e tsejoang hape e le Gantu Technology, e phahamisitse chelete ea Series C1 ka mor'a potoloho ea Series C pejana selemong sena. GT AI e fana ka tlhahlobo ea pono ea komporo, ho beha leihlo le ho etsa liqeto tsa AI, haholo-holo e shebane le li-PCB tse sebetsang hantle. Lihlahisoa tsa eona li kenyelletsa tlhahlobo e bohlale ea ts'ebetso ea line ea tlhahiso ea flexible printed circuit board (FPC), ho lekola lisebelisoa tsohle tsa ts'ebetso ea FPC SMT, le lits'ebetso tsa taolo ea lekeno. Khamphani e rera ho hola ho ea libakeng tse ling tsa tlhahiso joalo ka liphanele tsa letsatsi, libeteri le likoloi, hammoho le ho sebelisa theknoloji ea eona ea pono ea khomphutha ho thepa le mabenkele. Lichelete li tla sebelisoa bakeng sa nts'etsopele ea lihlahisoa le katoloso ea mose ho maoatle. E thehiloe ka 2018 mme ntlo-kholo ea hae e Shanghai, China.
P2i e bokelletse £15 milione ($18.1 milione) ka chelete ea likoloto ho tsoa ho HSBC's Growth Loan Fund. P2i e hlahisitse nanotechnology bakeng sa ho thibela metsi le liphahlo tsa motlakase bakeng sa lisebelisoa tsa elektroniki. Ho roala ha eona ka mokhoa o tšesaane haholo ho etsa hore PCB IPX8 e se ke ea kena metsing, e na le monyetla oa ho fokotsa litšila tsa elektronike, 'me e sireletsa tikoloho ho feta liaparo tse sireletsang tse teng, ho boletse k'hamphani. Lichelete li tla sebelisoa ho holisa ts'ebetso, ho tsetela lisebelisoa tse ncha le ho kena 'marakeng oa likoloi le oa bongaka. E thehiloe ka 2004 mme e thehiloe Milton Park, England, UK.
Kanatu e phahamisitse li-euro tse limilione tse 18 (liranta tse limilione tse 17.9) ho tsoa ho 3M Ventures, Ascend Capital Partners, eFruit International le batseteli ba bacha ho kenyeletsoa Minth Group, Nordea le Varma Mutual Pension Insurance Company. Canatu e hlahisa lisebelisoa tsa carbon nanotube (CNT) bakeng sa indasteri ea semiconductor le ea likoloi. Li-nanotubes tsa eona tsa carbon li sebelisoa lifiliming tse feteletseng tsa ultraviolet (EUV) tse sireletsang li-photomask nakong ea photolithography. Qalo e re lera la eona le ikemetseng le fana ka phetisetso ea 97% ea phase e le 'ngoe ea EUV e nang le tšusumetso e tlase le e nepahetseng ea ho nka litšoantšo. E boetse e loketse bakeng sa phallo e phahameng ea linomoro tsa EUV. Lisebelisoa tse ling bakeng sa li-nanotubes tsa eona tsa khabone li kenyelletsa li-heaters tse tšesaane tse optically tse pepeneneng bakeng sa lik'hamera tsa likoloi le li-sensor tsa lidar, li-sensor tsa 3D touch le li-electrochemical sensors. "Ka potoloho ena e ncha ea lichelete, re tla khona ho potlakisa kholo ea k'hamphani 'marakeng oa semiconductor le oa likoloi le ho holisa mehala ea rona ea tlhahiso ea boiketsetso naheng ea Finland. bonono ba theknoloji ea carbon nanotube,” ho boletse CEO oa Canatu Juha Kokkonen. E thehiloe ka 2004 e le lehlomela la Nanomaterials Group ea Aalto University 'me e le setsi sa Vantaa, Finland, k'hamphani e phahamisitse € 74 milione ho fihlela joale.
Niron Magnetics e amohetse lidolara tse limilione tse 17.5 ho tsoa Lefapheng la Matla la US. Niron Magnetics e etsa ts'ebetso e phahameng, limmanete tse sa feleng tsa tšepe tse se nang lefatše. Limanete tse sebetsang hantle haholo li fumana lits'ebetso ho li-hard drive, hammoho le phetisetso ea likoloi tsa motlakase, lisebelisoa tsa lapeng, libui tsa molumo, le tikoloho ea indasteri le ea khoebo joalo ka li-turbine tsa moea, li-elevator le lits'ebetso tsa HVAC. Niron o re makenete a eona a theko e tlase ho feta mefuta e meng e sa tloaelehang ea lefats'e mme ka tlhaho a na le matla a holimo. "Ha litlhoko tsa 'maraka oa polokelo li ntse li hola, boqapi bo bohlokoa ho fumana sebaka sa limakete tse sebelisoang ho li-disk bala / ho ngola lihlooho le li-spindle drive motors ha u ntse u qoba tšusumetso ea tikoloho ea meepo e sa tloaelehang ea lefats'e le ho fokotsa kotsi ea phepelo. katleho," ho boletse Andy Blackburn, CEO oa Niron Magnetics. Thuso e tla sebelisoa ho nts'etsapele likamano tsa khoebo le tlhahiso ea liteko. E thehiloe ka 2015 joalo ka setsi sa tlatsetso sa Univesithi ea Minnesota mme ntlo-kholo ea eona e Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.
Actnano e phahamisitse lidolara tse limilione tse 8 ho lichelete tsa kholo tse sa thekeseleng ho tsoa ho Liquidity Group. Actnano e fana ka mahlale a sa keneleng metsi le a thibelang tikoloho a nano-coating bakeng sa lisebelisoa tsa elektroniki tsa likoloi le tsa bareki. Theknoloji ena e se nang fluorine, e se nang chefo, le tikoloho e fana ka tšireletso e feletseng ea PCB, ho kenyeletsa lihokelo, li-antenna, li-LED, le likaroloana tsa mocheso o phahameng. Khamphani e re liaparo tsa eona li sebelisetsoa ho sireletsa lisebelisoa tsa elektronike likoloing tse fetang limilione tse 2 tsa tlhahiso, ho kenyelletsa le 80% ea likoloi tsa motlakase Amerika Leboea. Lichelete li tla sebelisoa ho ts'ehetsa katoloso e tsoelang pele ea lefats'e ea mebaraka ea likoloi tse kang Jeremane, Korea le Japane, hammoho le bakeng sa R&D. Lichelete li tla sebelisoa ho ts'ehetsa katoloso e tsoelang pele ea lefats'e ea mebaraka ea likoloi tse kang Jeremane, Korea le Japane, hammoho le bakeng sa R&D.Chelete e tla sebelisoa ho ts'ehetsa katoloso e tsoelang pele ea lefats'e ea limmaraka tsa likoloi tse kang Jeremane, Korea le Japane, hammoho le lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele.Chelete e tla sebelisoa ho ts'ehetsa katoloso e tsoelang pele ea lefats'e, lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele limmarakeng tsa likoloi tse kang Jeremane, Korea Boroa le Japane. Ntlo-kholo e Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, e thehiloe ka 2012.
Semiconductor ea Changzhou Zhenjing e amohetse matsete a leano a RMB a limilione tse 25 (e ka bang US$3.5 milione) ho tsoa ho NCEPower. Khamphani e etsa li-substrate tsa silicon carbide (SiC) tsa 6-inch le 8-inch. Ts'ebetso ea eona ea tlhahiso e akaretsa ho tloha ho holisa le ho lokisa likristale tsa mokelikeli ho isa ho ho sebetsa, ho hloekisa le ho hlahloba li-wafers. Ho lebelletsoe hore ba tla qala ho fana ka lihlahisoa ka 2024. Khampani e thehiloe ka 2020 'me e thehiloe Changzhou, Chaena.
Shineray New Materials e phahamisitse mashome a limilione tsa li-yuan (li-yuan tse limilione tse 10 kapa hoo e ka bang US$1.4 milione) molemong oa lichelete tsa Pre-A ho tsoa ho Yuanhe Holdings, South China Venture Capital le Nuoyan Capital. Ho qala ho hlahisa lisebelisoa tsa mocheso oa mocheso bakeng sa linyeoe tsa elektroniki, ho kenyelletsa le linyeoe tsa li-semiconductors tsa matla. Lihlahisoa tsa eona li kenyelletsa lisebelisoa tsa silevera tse sirelelitsoeng, likhomaretsi tsa semi-sintered conductive, lisebelisoa tsa solder le lisebelisoa tsa tšireletso ea motlakase. Lisebelisoa tse reriloeng li kenyelletsa likoloi tse ncha tsa matla, likhokahano tsa RF, phetisetso ea matla, photovoltaics le optoelectronics. E thehiloe Shenzhen, China, e thehiloe ka 2022.
AST, eo hape e tsejoang e le Super Silicon Semiconductor, e fumane chelete ea B+ ho tsoa ho Guolian Group, China Structural Reform Fund Corporation le Jadestone VC. Khamphani e hlahisa liphaephe tse bentšitsoeng tsa silicon tse bophara ba 200 mm le 300 mm, li-wafers tsa epitaxial le li-wafers tse kentsoeng ka argon. E thehiloe ka 2008 mme ntlo-kholo ea hae e Shanghai, China.
Nanzhi Core Materials e amohetse letsete la lengeloi ho tsoa Guofa Venture Capital. Phatlalatso ena e hlahisa likristale tsa "lithium niobate" tsa "optical grade" bakeng sa tšebeliso ea li-filters tsa SAW RF, li-electro-optical modulators, li-infrared detectors, le likristale tsa laser frequency double crystals. E thehiloe ka 2021 mme ntlo-kholo ea hae e le Suzhou, China.
PowerEpi e fumana chelete e ncha ho tsoa ho SDIC Ventures. Ho qala ho hlahisa lisebelisoa tsa epitaxial tse thehiloeng ho silicon carbide (SiC). Lichelete li tla sebelisoa ho potlakisa nts'etsopele ea lihlahisoa le katoloso ea bokhoni. E thehiloe Dongguan, China, e thehiloe ka 2020.
Biomemory e phahamisitse li-euro tse limilione tse 5 (~ $ 5.2 milione) ka lichelete tsa peo ho tsoa ho eureKARE, Bpifrance, Paris Business Angels, Prunay Impact le batseteli ba seng ba ntse ba le teng Octave Club, Flavien Kulavik, Raduan Harbichi, Eric Carril le Jean David Benichou. Biomemory e ntse e nts'etsapele polokelo ea data ea DNA e sebelisang synthetic biology-based synthesis le mekhoa ea ho ikatisa. Ts'ebetso ena e hlahisa likhechana tse telele tsa DNA tse ka bolokoang e le li-polymers tse sa sebetseng ka lilemo tse likete ntle le tšebeliso ea matla. Ho phaella ho boima bo phahameng haholo ho feta tepi kapa li-SSD, ho qala ho re theknoloji ea eona ea polokelo e ka theola litšenyehelo ho $ 1 ka megabyte, ha e bapisoa le $ 1 ka kilobyte bakeng sa tharollo ea hona joale ea DNA synthesis. Qetellong, ho lebelletsoe ho fihla ho $ 1 ka TB. sesebelisoa sa kopano sa microfluidic DNA se kopantsoeng ka botlalo le se tsoelang pele ka mor'a hore ho be le ntlafatso e eketsehileng ea terminal. Chelete e tla sebelisoa ho holisa theknoloji ea biomemory ea DNA synthesis, e etselitsoeng hore e tsamaisane le data e kholo. E thehiloe Paris, Fora, e thehiloe ka 2021.
InnoGrit e phethetse potoloho e ncha ea lichelete. Khamphani e etsa li-control tsa PCIe NVMe SSD bakeng sa lits'ebetso tsa bareki le tsa khoebo. E tsepamisitse maikutlo ho ts'ireletso, matla le ts'ebetso, e fanang ka mekhoa e mengata ea ts'ireletso le ts'ireletso ea data. E boetse e fana ka lits'ebeletso tsa moralo oa turnkey hammoho le meralo ea litšupiso. E thehiloe ka 2016, ntlo-kholo ea hae e Shanghai, China.
AD Microchip (ADUC) e amohetse li-yuan tse limilione tse mashome (li-yuan tse limilione tse 10 kapa hoo e ka bang US$1.4 milione) ka lichelete tsa letoto la A+ ho tsoa ho Qin Chuangyuan Xinhuo Innovation Fund le ba bang. ADUC e etsa li-IC tsa maqhubu a phahameng le a tlase a tsoakaneng. Lihlahisoa tsa eona li kenyelletsa 32-bit MCUs, 8-bit Flash le OTP MCUs, tsamaiso ea betri ICs, le USB Type-C Power Delivery (PD) ICs. E shebane haholo le lisebelisoa tsa elektronike tsa bareki. Lichelete li tla sebelisoa bakeng sa R&D, ho holisa mehala ea lihlahisoa, le ho nchafatsa lisebelisoa tsa tlhahlobo. Lichelete li tla sebelisoa bakeng sa R&D, ho holisa mehala ea lihlahisoa, le ho nchafatsa lisebelisoa tsa tlhahlobo.Chelete e tla sebelisoa bakeng sa lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele, katoloso ea mohala oa lihlahisoa le ntlafatso ea lisebelisoa tsa liteko.Chelete e tla sebelisoa bakeng sa lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele, katoloso ea mohala oa lihlahisoa le ntlafatso ea lisebelisoa tsa liteko. E thehiloe ka 2013 mme ntlo-kholo ea eona e Xi'an, China.
Modulo Smart Core Microelectronics e amohetse mashome a limilione a li-yuan (li-yuan tse limilione tse 10 kapa hoo e ka bang US$1.4 milione) matseteng a mangeloi ho tsoa ho Zijin Hi-Tech Venture Capital le lik'hamphani tse ling. Ho qala ho hlahisa li-IC tsa analog. Hajoale, ho fanoe ka ADC ea 24-bit e nepahetseng haholo, 'me li-ADC le li-DAC tsa matla a tlaase li haufi le tlhahiso ea bongata. O boetse o sebetsa ho li-IC tsa converter, li-IC tsa analog interface, li-isolators le Battery Management System (BMS) ICs. Lichelete li tla sebelisoa ho hira le R&D. Lichelete li tla sebelisoa ho hira le R&D. Chelete e tla sebelisoa bakeng sa ho thaotha le R&D.Chelete e tla sebelisoa bakeng sa khiro le lipatlisiso le nts'etsopele. Lisebelisoa tse reriloeng li kenyelletsa lisebelisoa tsa elektronike tsa bongaka, tlhahiso e bohlale, matla a macha le lisebelisoa tsa motlakase tsa likoloi. E thehiloe Nanjing, China, e thehiloe ka 2022.
Soundec e amohetse li-yuan tse limilione tse mashome (li-yuan tse limilione tse 10 kapa hoo e ka bang US$1.4 milione) ka lichelete tsa Series B ho tsoa Qingyuan Capital le Jolmo Capital. Li-SoC tsa ts'ebetso ea matshwao a molumo tse ntlafalitsoeng ke Soundec li kenyelletsa processor ea matla a tlase a DSP, ADC, DAC, USB, memori le li-interfaces tse ruileng. Khamphani e boetse e nts'etsapele li-chips tsa audio tsa analog le mefuta e mengata ea li-algorithms tsa ho sebetsa mats'oao. Lisebelisoa tse reriloeng li kenyelletsa li-headsets, li-microphone tsa dijithale, le lihlahisoa tse ngata tsa maekrofono bakeng sa lisebelisoa tsa IoT, malapa a bohlale, likoloi tse bohlale le lithuso tsa ho utloa. Lichelete li tla sebelisoa ho nts'etsapele lisebelisoa tsa k'hamphani tsa moloko o tlang oa ho sebetsa, ho holisa khoebo le ho hira basebetsi. Ntlo-kholo e Shenzhen, China, e thehiloe ka 2017.

Nako ea poso: Dec-12-2022