Mofani oa thepa ea ho etsa roll

Ho Feta 28 Lilemo Tse Phihlelo ea Tlhahiso

Ho sheba 'Maraka oa tšepe oa Mohaho oa Lefatše ho fihlela ka 2027 -

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DUBLIN, Tšitoe 6, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Mmaraka oa Mehaho ea Litšepe - Tlaleho ea Global Prospects le Forecasts 2022-2027 e kenyellelitsoe tlhahisong ea Tšepe ea mohaho ke tšepe ea carbon, e bolelang hore carbon content e fihla ho 2.1 lekholong ka boima ba 'mele. Ka hona, ho ka boleloa hore mashala ke thepa e tala e hlokahalang bakeng sa tlhahiso ea tšepe ea mohaho ka mor'a tšepe ea tšepe. Hangata tšepe ea mohaho e sebelisoa mesebetsing e fapaneng ea kaho. Litšepe tsa meralo li tla ka mefuta e fapaneng, li fa litsebi tsa meralo ea meralo le lienjineri tsa sechaba tokoloho ea ho rala.
Litšepe tsa mohaho li sebelisetsoa ho haha ​​​​libaka tsa polokelo, li-hangars tsa lifofane, mabala a lipapali, mehaho ea litšepe le likhalase, matlo a liindasteri le marokho. Ho phaella moo, tšepe ea mohaho e sebelisoa ka kakaretso kapa karolo e itseng bakeng sa kaho ea mehaho ea bolulo le ea khoebo. Structural steel ke thepa ea moaho e feto-fetohang le e bonolo ho e sebelisa e thusang ho theha maemo a fapaneng le ho fana ka matla a sebopeho ntle le boima bo feteletseng, ho tloha ho tsa khoebo ho ea ho tsa bolulo le litsela. Tšepe ea sebopeho e boetse e sebelisoa liindastering tse fapaneng tse kang ho fehla motlakase, phetiso le kabo, le merafo. Likarolo tse ngata tsa motheo ka li-shaft li tšehetsoa ke maballo a tšepe a sebopeho le litšiea. Litšepe tsa sebopeho li sebelisetsoa ho etsa likarolo tsohle tsa meralo ea lifeme, liofisi le merafo joalo ka li-skrini tsa morafo, li-boilers tse nang le metsi le meaho e meng.
Hangata tšepe ea mohaho e hlalosoa ke indasteri kapa litekanyetso tsa naha tse kang American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), British Standards Institute (BSI), International Organization for Standardization (ISO) le tse ling. Maemong a mangata, litekanyetso li totobatsa litlhoko tsa mantlha tse kang sebopeho sa lik'hemik'hale, matla a ho tsitsa le matla a ho jara mojaro. Melao e mengata ho pota lefatše e hlalosa sebopeho sa tšepe ea mohaho. Ka bokhutšoanyane, litekanyetso li hlalosa li-angles, tolerances, litekanyo, le litekanyo tse fapaneng tsa tšepe, tse bitsoang tšepe ea mohaho. Li-profile tse ngata li entsoe ka ho chesa kapa ho bata, ha tse ling li entsoe ka li-welding tse bataletseng kapa tse kobehileng hammoho. Maballo le litšiea tse entsoeng ka tšepe li hokahantsoe ka ho tjheseletsa kapa ka bolting. Mehaho ea tšepe e sebelisoa haholo kahong ea matlo a liindasteri ka lebaka la bokhoni ba bona ba ho mamella meroalo e meholo le ho thothomela. Ho phaella moo, likepe, likepe tse tsamaeang ka tlas'a metsi, li-supertankers, litepisi, fuluru ea litšepe le li-gratings, litepisi le likarolo tse entsoeng ka tšepe ke mehlala ea likoloi tsa metsing tse sebelisang litšepe tsa sebopeho. Tšepe ea mohaho e mamella khatello ea ka ntle 'me e ka hlahisoa kapele. Thepa ena e etsa litšepe tsa sebopeho tse loketseng indasteri ea likepe. Ka hona, mehaho e mengata e tšehetsang indasteri ea maoatle, e kang lifaele le likou, e sebelisa haholo mehaho ea tšepe.
Libapali tsa bohlokoa 'marakeng oa tšepe oa meralo li kene litšebelisanong tsa maano le lik'hamphani tse fapaneng tsa kaho le tsa liindasteri, hammoho le liindasteri tse fapaneng tse sebelisang tšepe ea meralo. Sena se fa lik'hamphani monyetla oa tlholisano, ka hona li eketsa karolo ea tsona ea mmaraka.
Lik'hamphani tse kholo li thehile litšebeletso tsa ka mor'a ho rekisa tse hlahisang boleng ba bareki. Likhamphani tse indastering ea tšepe ea meralo li qothisana lehlokoa. Nts'etsopele ea lits'ebetso le boikitlaetso ba nako e telele bo baka mathata ho lik'hamphani tsohle lefatšeng ka bophara. Ho tsetela lipatlisisong le nts'etsopele, tsoelo-pele ea theknoloji, le mathata a tikoloho le moruo a tsamaisa tlhokahalo ea lihlahisoa tsa tšepe tse nchafalitsoeng le tse baballang tikoloho. Ba bang ba libapali tsa bohlokoa 'marakeng oa tšepe oa lefats'e ba kenyelletsa ArcelorMittal (Luxembourg), Tata Steel (India), Nippon Paint (Japan), Hyundai Steel (Korea Boroa) le Shougang (China). Libapali tsena li nkile maano a joalo ka katoloso, ho fumana, nts'etsopele ea lihlahisoa tse ncha le likhoebo tse kopaneng ho eketsa lekeno la bona 'marakeng oa tšepe oa meralo.
Ho feta moo, lik'hamphani tse ling tse tsebahalang tse kang Anyang Iron and Steel Group (Chaena), British Steel Group (UK), Emirates Steel (UAE), Evraz (UK), joalo-joalo li tsetetse haholo ho R&D ho nts'etsapele lihlahisoa tsa tšepe tsa meralo tseo li khahla bareki. Ka lebaka leo, lik'hamphani tsena tse ling tse tsebahalang ke tlholisano e tebileng ho libapali tse kholo.
Likarabo tsa lipotso tse ka sehloohong: 1. Mmaraka oa mohaho oa tšepe o moholo hakae? 2. Ke boholo bofe bo boletsoeng esale pele ba 'maraka oa lefats'e oa tšepe oa meralo ka 2027? 3. Sekhahla sa kholo ea 'maraka oa lefats'e oa tšepe oa sebopeho ke bokae? 4. Ke sebaka sefe se laolang 'maraka oa lefatše oa tšepe oa sebopeho? 5. Ke mekhoa efe e ka sehloohong ea 'maraka oa mehaho ea tšepe? 6. Ke bo-mang ba ka sehloohong 'marakeng oa lefatše oa tšepe oa sebopeho? Lihlooho tsa bohlokoa: 1. Mokhoa oa ho etsa lipatlisiso. 2. Lipheo tsa lipatlisiso. 3. Mokhoa oa ho etsa lipatlisiso. 4. Sekala le kgaso. Maikutlo le Mehopolo 5.1 Mehopolo ea Bohlokoa 5.2 Phetoho ea Chelete 5.3 Litlhahiso tsa Mebaraka 6 Tlhahisoleseding e Ekelitsoeng 6.1 Selelekela 6.1 Kakaretso ea Mmaraka 6.1.1 Bakhanni 6.1.2 Menyetla 6.1.3 Liphephetso 6.2 Segment Overview 6.2.3 Likopo2 Mofuta oa 6.Gy Strategy 6.Gy Strategy Kakaretso ea 'Maraka 8 Selelekela 8.1 Kakaretso 9 Menyetla le Mekhoa ea Mebaraka 9.1 Boqapi le Khatelo-pele ea Theknoloji Lefapheng la Litšepe 9.2 Nts'etsopele ea Matlo le Meaho 9.3 Tlhokahalo ea Thepa ea Kaho e Tala Litšitiso tsa 'Maraka 11.1 Tlhokomelo e turu Tšokelo ea baemeli ba sebaka 12.3. 5 Tlhōlisano 12.4 Tlhahlobo ea ketane ea boleng 12.4.1 Bafani ba thepa e tala 12.4.2 Baetsi 12.4.3 Baphatlalatsi 12.4.4 Basebelisi ba ho qetela 12.5 Bakhanni ba moruo o moholo 13 Likopo 13.1 Kakaretso ea 'maraka le kholo ea 'maraka 3.2 Kakaretso ea 'maraka 3. 3.2 Boholo 13.3.3 Markets by Geography 13.4 Industries 13.4.1 Market Overview 13.4.2 Market size and Forecast 13.4.3 Market by Geography 13.5 Commercial 13.5.1 Market Overview 13.5.2 Market size and Forecast 13.5.3 Marketing by Geography 13.5.3 Moahi 1 Kakaretso ea 'Maraka 13.6.2 Boholo ba 'Maraka le Forecast 13.6.3 ka Geography 14 Mefuta ea Mmaraka 14.1 Market Overview and Engine of Growth 14.2 Market Overview 14.3 Hot Rolled Steel 14.3.1 Market Overview 14.3.2 Market size and Forecast3 Markets by Geography 14.3. 14.4 Cold Rolled Steel 14.4.1 Kakaretso ea 'Maraka 14.4.2 Boholo ba 'Maraka le Ponepele
16 Asia Pacific 17 North America 18 Europe 19 Latin America 20 Middle East & Africa 21 Competitive Landscape 21.1 Competition Overview 22 Key Company Profiles 22.1 Arcelormittal 22.1.1 Business Overview 22.1.2 Financial Overview 22.1.3 Sehlahisoa1.2 Strategy.2 5 Matla a Bohlokoa 22.1.6 Bokhoni ba Bohlokoa 22.2 Nippon Steel Corporation 22.2.1 Kakaretso ea Khoebo 22.2.2 Kakaretso ea Lichelete 22.2.3 Linyehelo tsa Sehlahisoa 22.2.4 Maano a Bohlokoa 22.2.5 Melemo ea Bohlokoa 22.2.6 Melemo ea Bohlokoa3. 4 Maano a Bohlokoa 22.3.5 Matla a Bohlokoa 22.3.6 Menyetla ea Bohlokoa 22.4 Tata Steel 22.4.1 Kakaretso ea Khoebo 22.4.2 Kakaretso ea Lichelete 22.4.3 Lihlahisoa 22.4.4 Maano a Bohlokoa 22.4.5 Matla a Bohlokoa 1 Tlhahlobo ea Khoebo 22.5.2 Kakaretso ea Lichelete 22.5.3 Lihlahisoa 22.5.4 Mekhoa ea Bohlokoa 22.5.5 Matla a Bohlokoa 22.5.6 Menyetla ea Bohlokoa 23 Bafani ba Ba bang ba Bohlokoa 23.1 Anyang Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd. 23.3.1 Company Profile2. Tlhahiso ea Sehlahisoa 23.2 British Steel 23.2.1 Profile ea Khampani 23.2.2 Tlhahiso ea Sehlahisoa 23.3 China Angang Steel Group Corporation Limited 23.3.1 Kakaretso ea Khampani 23.3.2 Kakaretso ea Khoebo 23.3.3 Nyehelo ea Sehlahisoa 23.4 Emirates Steel 23.4. 1 Kakaretso ea Khampani 23.4.2 Lihlahisoa Tse Fumanetsoeng 23.5 Evraz plc 23.5.1 Kakaretso ea Khampani 23.5.2 Kakaretso ea Khoebo 23.5.3 Lihlahisoa tse Fanoang 23.6 Gerdau S/A 23.6.1 Kakaretso ea Khampani 23.6.2 Kakaretso ea Khoebo3. . Ltd. lihlahisoa 23.10 Posco 23.10. 1 Kakaretso ea Khampani 23.10 2 Tlhahiso ea Sehlahisoa 23.11 Ssab Ab 23.11.1 Kakaretso ea Khampani 23.11.2 Kakaretso ea Khoebo 23.11.3 Tlhahiso ea Sehlahisoa 23.12 Steel Authority of India Limited 23.12.1 Kakaretso ea Khampani 23.12.2 Kakaretso ea K'hamphani 23.12.2 Tlhahisoleseding ea Khoebo1. 23.13.2 Selelekela sa Sehlahiswa 23.14 Voestalpine AG 23.14.1 Kakaretso ya Khamphani 23.14.2 Kakaretso ya Kgwebo 23.14.3 Selelekela sa Sehlahiswa 24 Kakaretso ya Tlaleho

Nako ea poso: May-31-2023